Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bangkok Runaway (finale)

I just love Wednesday. Don't ya? Its the mid of the week and all of us have weekends on our minds already. Some might even have a plan for the weekends. Shopping  Retail therapy with your best friends or just a casual meet up with friends or a special date with that special someone. Or simply spending quality time with the family. Whatever it is we all love Wednesday. :) Since i'm in such a pleasant mood and all... shall write about  the last day of the Bangkok trip. This is gonna be a short entry i guess cause there's nothing much that we did before leaving for Singapore. ;)

Since we have a few hours before check out we decided to explore the hotel. Da balik baru nak explore...hehehehe... we just love to save the best for the last. :p Anyway..Since only my sis, her kids and i are ready, we headed for the Kids Zone while waiting for the rest to get ready. Obviously the kids were excited and thrill to see the big playroom. Alesha love the dress up corner and Ayden love the activities area where they have lots of small bright colours chairs and big tables. Further in and there is a netted playground full of colourful plastic balls that soon became a weapon for them to throw at each other and well us. :/ Yes we went in to the netted area to play with supervise them.

Let's play dress up.

Princess Alesha Daania.

After a few trip and fall attempt to climb using the slide instead of the stairs, we decided to leave the area and went to see what they have on the other side. If the right side is for the kids, the left side is for the teenagers and adults. It was an internet room with computers and playstations overlooking the pool ( now why didn't we saw that earlier? so much for saving the best for the last huh) Anyway my brother manage to try out the playstation and we had to practically drag him out of there when my parents came down and it was time to go home.
Like a boss..

Cool or what? Wish i could have this at home.
Who is ganna bring me some grapes?? hehehe..

Ouh.. on our way to the left side of the place we came across this..

But there isn't any babies in the court though. :p

 Fun's over it's back to reality. Back to work and the daily routine. How boring. hahahahahaha.... but that's life right...nothing last forever. There's an ending to every beginning. :)

Bye all...

Lots of Love
    ella <3

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bangkok Runaway (part III)

Hey there... Just got back from school. After sitting for three lectures in a day, my brain needs a break. So i'm back to my writing therapy. hahahaha... I'm not complaining about school. A little stress is good what right. It motivates you to push yourself harder. Just that in order not to get too stress up and end up in depression or what so ever we need a break here and there. If you agree with me put your hands up. Hands ar not hand. Ok enough nonsense and i shall present to you ( real only) Bangkok Runaway part III.

Just in case you are wondering what this Runaway thing is about...i shall save you the trouble of looking through the archive (step post die banyak je kan) you can read about Bangkok Runaway (part I) &  Bangkok Runaway (part II) here. 

Day three was the (read it as 'D') most exciting of the whole trip. Ask me why? hahahaha...

We are going for ATV RIDE, PAINTBALL & ARCHERY. 

Hiphiphurrray!!! I was damn excited la. Especially for the paintball and the archery. It's like re leaving secondary school days (only back then it was laser quest instead of paintball). I love the outdoors. Camping. hiking, tracking basically exploring. Now i sounds like Dora. Ok back to our Bangkok Runaway...

We was up early just like day two..excited mah. This time round the tour that i book online didn't go MIA. Infact the driver was already there waiting when we came down. So much for us waking up early huh. hehehe... They fetch us in a pick-up kindda vehicle. It was quite near to the hotel. About 20mins ride. Upon arrival we were greeted by the friendly owner of the place. (cant remember his name:( ) He brought us to the main lobby and we were served with the complimentary drinks. Done with the free drinks, he showed us the ATV tracks and brief us on the safety rules and we are all set and ready to go. Since all are first timers except for me so my niece was to ride with me instead of her Mummy.
She is soooo cute i tell you. Whenever i speed up she'll go like "Aunty Ella don't go fast fast ok. Wait Alesha jatuh how?" hahahahah... so ya for the safety of my beloved niece i went at a moderate speed. She'll go crazy when she see the horses there. One funny incident happened. While we were all busy with our own route and going at our own pace... my dearest dad rides straight into a tree. HAHAHA... here's a few pictures of the ATV ride.

Looking at the track route.

All ready to go. :)
On your mark..get set...GO!!!!

Second round and into track B we go.

Look at Alesha's expression...hahahaha..

She's better after a few rounds. :)
Daddy going straight for the tree. :p
Honestly i wasn't that thrill with the ATV rides. I preferred the one i took in Phuket with my friends. That was awesome for we did not ride round tracks but out side by the road and into the ermmm..forest i think.

Done with our merry-go-round of ATV ride, we headed for the paintball next. This one i'm all in. Feeling like in those CSI or Hawaii five-o series. hahahaha..

It was battle of the sexes. Two men against three women. Wanna place your bets before i continue? ;) Make sure you choose wisely muahahahahaha.... We took our stand and plan our strategies .
Me: "Mummy u go left, Kak Sham you go right and i'll go straight." real only ar.. macam la the other side banyak sangat orang la kan..padahal due je.. hehehehe... 
Once the start signal was given we ATTACK!!!!! Hide here, hide there.Crawl here, crawl there and BAM!!!! Daddy got shot. By who? My brave mummy who went all the way out and shot from a barrel away. ( you are supposed to shoot from at least three barrels away hor.) So as a results daddy got a nice blue black around his hips area. Haiya this Mummy never follow rules one..she any how shoot only. Being out numbered and with Mummy brave on our side... of course WE WIN!!!!! yeh!!!! Now did you place your bet correctly??? hahahaha... it was fun. But would be more fun if there was more people so as the game will not have to end so fast :(
Here's a few shots of the battle and of cause the "souvenirs" that brother and daddy got from mummy. hahahaha...
The Women in Reds and the Men in Blue. 

Daddy and brother after the first attack. hehehe...
While we were enjoying inside shooting here and there someone have to seat outside. Thus the unhappy face. 
The "souvenirs" 
Da macam mangsa dera. hehehehe...
Now she's talking smiling. Shooting range for kids.
Now that everyone's happy, its time to hit some bull's eye. Off to the archery section we go. Once again the little one can just watch. Lucky there was a swing to keep her busy while we kept our eyes busy on the target. Archery was never easy. For me at least. But i still love the thrill i get every time i pull and let go. So after a few attempts and wala..i got my bull's eye! Don't believe me...well take a look at this ok.

The swing that kept her busy.

Qualified for Hunger games tak? hehehe

Dengan penuh semangat sampai shawl pun terbang. 

And the results are.....drum roll....

That one bull's eye can over right all the miss shots kan.. hahahahaha 
As you will notice (if you are observant enough la kan) that our little Ayden was not with us when we did the activities for that day. He is still enjoying his beauty morning sleep at the hotel. hahahaha... Once we are back we took him  for a swim and boy oh boy... he slip and fall into the pool so many times... at first we was scared la kan..but when it keep happening we started to laugh. Damn cute when he fall and get back up again but still refused to allow us to hold him. Act pandai je this one

yaya papaya la this one..hahahaha

It was than the headache part...packing time. Somehow we had to get another bag to stuff all the things that we bought from the night market trip. I guess that's always the case when we go holiday right??? Its not for us though. Mostly it was for family, friends and colleagues. After sitting on the luggage and compressing whatever we can in the new bag it was time for bed.

Wanna know where we went before we head for home the next day????? Well...stay tune. Will be back soon with the finale. hahahaha...

Lots of Love
    ella <3